These KPIs cover a wide range of aspects related to pharmaceutical development, sales, market presence, and compliance.
1. Animal Testing Success Rate: The percentage of pharmaceutical products that successfully pass pre-clinical testing on animals.
2. API Sourcing Diversification: The degree to which a pharmaceutical company diversifies its sources for Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs).
3. Average Drug Shelf Life: The average duration for which pharmaceutical drugs remain effective and safe for use.
4. Biomarker Identification: The identification and utilization of biomarkers for drug development, diagnosis, or treatment evaluation.
5. Biosimilarity Index: Measurement of the similarity between a biosimilar product and its reference biologic, often assessed in terms of structure, function, and efficacy.
6. CAR-T Therapy Success Rates: Success rates for Chimeric Antigen Receptor T-cell (CAR-T) therapy, indicating the effectiveness in treating specific diseases, particularly cancer.
7. Clinical Trial Enrollment Rates: The speed and efficiency with which participants are enrolled in clinical trials.
8. Cost per New Drug Development: The average cost incurred by a pharmaceutical company to develop and bring a new drug to market.
9. Cost per Patient: The average cost associated with treating a patient with a specific pharmaceutical product.
10. Drug Counterfeit Rate: The percentage of counterfeit or falsified drugs within the pharmaceutical supply chain.
11. Drug Recall Frequency: The frequency at which pharmaceutical drugs are recalled from the market due to safety concerns or other issues.
12. Drug Sales per Therapeutic Area: The revenue generated by pharmaceutical drugs categorized by therapeutic areas.
13. Drug-to-Drug Interaction Rates: The frequency at which interactions occur between different drugs when administered concurrently.
14. Drugs Under Patent Protection: The number or percentage of pharmaceutical drugs still protected by patent, limiting generic competition.
15. FDA Approval Rates: The percentage of new drug applications that receive approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
16. First-to-Market Drugs: The number or percentage of drugs that are the first of their kind to enter the market.
17. Generic Penetration Rate: The percentage of the market share occupied by generic versions of pharmaceutical drugs.
18. Health Outcome Metrics: Metrics assessing the health outcomes achieved by patients using pharmaceutical products.
19. Market Penetration in Specific Therapeutic Areas: The extent to which a pharmaceutical company's products have penetrated specific therapeutic markets.
20. Market Share of Key Drugs: The percentage of the total market occupied by specific pharmaceutical drugs.
21. Medication Adherence Rate: The percentage of patients who adhere to prescribed medication regimens.
22. Number of Clinical Trial Failures: The count of clinical trials that did not meet their primary endpoints or were terminated prematurely.
23. Number of Drugs in Post-Market Clinical Trials: The count of pharmaceutical drugs undergoing clinical trials after market launch.
24. Number of Prescriptions: The total count of prescriptions written for a pharmaceutical product.
25. Number of Strategic Alliances or Partnerships: The count of collaborative agreements or partnerships formed by a pharmaceutical company.
26. Orphan Drug Status: The designation granted to drugs developed to treat rare diseases, providing incentives for their development.
27. Patent Expiry Dates: The dates when patents protecting specific pharmaceutical products are set to expire.
28. Percentage of Revenue from Blockbuster Drugs: The percentage of total revenue generated by drugs with exceptionally high sales.
29. Percentage of Revenue from Contract Manufacturing: The portion of total revenue generated through contract manufacturing services.
30. Percentage of Revenue from Digital Health Solutions: The portion of total revenue derived from digital health products or solutions.
31. Percentage of Revenue from Personalized Medicine: The portion of total revenue generated by personalized medicine products.
32. Percentage of Sales from Emerging Markets: The portion of total sales originating from markets considered as emerging economies.
33. Percentage of Sales from Over-the-Counter (OTC) Drugs: The portion of total sales attributed to over-the-counter pharmaceutical products.
34. Pipeline Strength: The robustness and potential success of a pharmaceutical company's product pipeline.
35. Pricing Power: The ability of a pharmaceutical company to influence or set the prices of its products in the market.
36. Product Backlog: The number or value of pharmaceutical products in development or awaiting approval.
37. Quality Audit Results: Results from audits assessing the quality and compliance of pharmaceutical manufacturing processes.
38. R&D Expenditure as a Percentage of Sales: The proportion of total revenue allocated to Research and Development (R&D) activities.
39. Rate of Adverse Events: The frequency at which adverse events are reported for a specific pharmaceutical product.
40. Rate of Drug Approvals in First Submission: The percentage of drugs receiving regulatory approval upon the first submission to regulatory authorities.
41. Rate of Drug Returns: The frequency at which pharmaceutical drugs are returned to manufacturers or distributors.
42. Revenue from Companion Diagnostics: The revenue generated from diagnostic tests used to determine the suitability of a patient for a specific drug treatment.
43. Revenue from Patent Licensing: The revenue generated through licensing the intellectual property rights of patented drugs.
44. Sales from Top Drugs: The revenue generated by a pharmaceutical company's top-selling drugs.
45. Sales Growth of Biologics: The percentage growth in sales of biologic pharmaceutical products.
46. Share of Market for Vaccines: The portion of the market occupied by a pharmaceutical company's vaccine products.
47. Time from Initial Discovery to Clinical Trials: The duration taken from the initial discovery of a potential drug to the commencement of clinical trials.
48. Time from Patent Filing to Drug Approval: The duration taken from filing a patent application to obtaining regulatory approval for a drug.
49. Volume of Drug Production: The quantity or volume of pharmaceutical drugs produced within a specific timeframe.
