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Compendium of 50 Most Useful KPIs for the Chemical Manufacturing Sector

Writer's picture: Dr. MarvilanoDr. Marvilano

Compendium of 50 Most Useful KPIs for the Chemical Manufacturing Sector


These KPIs provide a comprehensive view of various aspects of the chemical manufacturing industry, including operational efficiency, safety performance, environmental impact, and innovation.

1.      Average Age of Plant and Equipment: The average age of the chemical manufacturing plant and equipment, indicating the need for upgrades or replacements.


2.      Average Cost of Compliance: The average cost incurred to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and standards.


3.      Bio-based Product Percentage: The percentage of chemical products derived from bio-based or renewable sources.


4.      Carbon Emissions per Unit of Output: The amount of carbon emissions produced per unit of chemical output, reflecting environmental impact efficiency.


5.      Chemical Accident Incident Rate: The rate of incidents involving accidents in chemical manufacturing processes, indicating safety performance.


6.      Chemical Reaction Efficiency: The efficiency of chemical reactions in terms of yield and resource utilization.


7.      Cost of Environmental Remediation: The cost associated with remediation efforts to address environmental impacts caused by chemical manufacturing.


8.      Degree of Digitalization: The extent to which digital technologies are integrated into chemical manufacturing processes and operations.


9.      Energy Efficiency: The efficiency with which energy is used in chemical production processes.


10.  Energy Intensity: The amount of energy consumed per unit of chemical production output.


11.  Energy Usage per Unit of Production: The amount of energy used in chemical manufacturing per unit of production, reflecting operational efficiency.


12.  Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Compliance: Adherence to environmental, social, and governance standards, demonstrating commitment to sustainability.


13.  Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Score: A composite score assessing a company's environmental, social, and governance performance.


14.  Feedstock Costs as a Percentage of Sales: The proportion of sales revenue spent on acquiring raw materials or feedstock.


15.  Hazardous Waste Disposal Cost: The cost associated with the disposal of hazardous waste generated during chemical manufacturing.


16.  Hazardous Waste Generation: The amount of hazardous waste generated in the chemical manufacturing process.


17.  Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate (LTIFR): The frequency of injuries resulting in lost workdays per million hours worked, reflecting safety performance.


18.  Maintenance Cost as a Percentage of Replacement Asset Value (RAV): The percentage of the replacement asset value spent on maintenance, indicating asset management efficiency.


19.  Material Waste Generated per Unit of Production: The amount of material waste generated per unit of chemical production, reflecting efficiency in material usage.


20.  Number of New Patents Filed: The count of new patents filed, indicating innovation and intellectual property development.


21.  Number of Regulatory Violations: The count of violations against regulatory standards, reflecting compliance performance.


22.  Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) Incidents: The number of incidents related to occupational health and safety within the chemical manufacturing facility.


23.  Particulate Emissions Rate: The rate at which particulate matter is emitted during chemical manufacturing processes, reflecting air quality impact.


24.  Patent Applications and Grants: The total count of patent applications submitted and granted.


25.  Percentage of Bio-Based Raw Materials Used: The percentage of raw materials sourced from bio-based or renewable sources.


26.  Percentage of Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: The percentage reduction in greenhouse gas emissions compared to a baseline, reflecting environmental sustainability efforts.


27.  Percentage of Products Complying with REACH: The percentage of chemical products compliant with the Registration, Evaluation, Authorization, and Restriction of Chemicals (REACH) regulations in the European Union.


28.  Percentage of Recyclable Packaging: The percentage of packaging materials for chemical products that are recyclable.


29.  Percentage of Recycled Waste: The percentage of chemical manufacturing waste that is recycled or reused.


30.  Percentage of Revenue from Patent-Protected Products: The percentage of total revenue generated from products protected by patents.


31.  Plant Flexibility: The degree to which the chemical manufacturing plant can adapt to changing production requirements or market demands.


32.  Plant Turnaround Time: The time taken to shut down, perform maintenance, and restart a chemical manufacturing plant.


33.  Plant Utilization Against Planned Capacity: The extent to which the chemical manufacturing plant operates at its planned or designed capacity.


34.  Process Safety Incidents: The number of incidents related to process safety within chemical manufacturing, indicating the effectiveness of safety measures.


35.  Product Mix: The combination and proportion of different chemical products manufactured.


36.  Production Volume: The total quantity of chemical products manufactured within a specified timeframe.


37.  Raw Material Price Volatility: The degree of fluctuation in the prices of raw materials used in chemical manufacturing.


38.  Raw Material Price Volatility: The volatility or variability in the prices of raw materials.


39.  Raw Material Substitution Rate: The rate at which chemical manufacturers substitute one raw material for another in production processes.


40.  Reactor Utilization: The efficiency with which chemical reactors are utilized in the production process.


41.  Recycling Rate: The percentage of materials, such as solvents or catalysts, that are recycled within the chemical manufacturing process.


42.  Regulatory Compliance Rate: The rate at which the chemical manufacturing processes adhere to applicable regulatory standards.


43.  Strategic Raw Material Stockpile: The amount of critical raw materials strategically stockpiled for production stability.


44.  Toxic Release Inventory (TRI): The quantity of toxic chemicals released into the environment, reported in compliance with regulations.


45.  Value of Outstanding Litigations: The monetary value of legal claims or litigations against the chemical manufacturing company.


46.  Value of Tax Credits for Environmental Initiatives: The monetary value of tax credits received for initiatives that contribute to environmental sustainability.


47.  Volume of High-Priority Chemicals Managed or Produced: The quantity of chemicals classified as high-priority managed or produced by the chemical company.


48.  Wastewater Treatment Efficiency: The efficiency of wastewater treatment processes within the chemical manufacturing facility.


49.  Water Usage Efficiency: The efficiency with which water is used in chemical production processes.


50.  Yield on Key Reactions: The efficiency or success rate of critical chemical reactions in the production process.





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